Tuesday, December 23, 2008


To develop bussiness leaders who are commited to excellence in their personal & professional endevours and  have the vision courage and dedication to initiate & manage change.


Our vision is to improve the practice of management through our research & coaching programs with speacial focus on human resource development and their professional & socio-economic training needs to develop effective leadership through positive readership.

About Us

Executive Learning Resource was established in 2001 with the sole purpose of developing human resource.We endevour to put minds into action for achieving excellence through bridging the gaps in human potentials.Our coaching & counselling sessions are especially designed for individual & group interactions .We also conduct workshops on various individual & organizational development areas.We provide course material & handouts on payment to those executives who cannot spare time for attending regular coaching sessions. Our focus is on developing an assertive personality with a creative mind---fully equipped with the tools of self- motivation, determination and commitment towards the achievement of personal & organizational goals.